Humane Society

Longmont Humane Society // Longmont, Co

Hello there!

Today I  wanted to share a quick post about the Longmont Humane Society because, as some of you may know, I am the BIGGEST animal lover there is in the world! For the past 5 or 6 months I have had the pleasure of volunteering at the Longmont Humane Society and have absolutely LOVED every minute of it. For the first few months I volunteered as a dog walker where I would spend two hours on my Saturday mornings taking about 6 to 8 dogs out on 10-15min walks each so they can use the restroom and stretch their legs. I enjoyed it every weekend but then life got in the way and we were traveling a lot in the beginning of the year so I transitioned to taking photos of the "Small Paws" animals, a.k.a the bunnies, hamsters, birds, rats, guinea pigs, etc. I can so easily get caught up in the business aspect of photography so when they asked if I was interested in taking photos of the little animals I thought it would be a cool opportunity to serve and volunteer my skill so I said "YES!" 

I am sharing this to bring some awareness to their organization because it's simply amazing! The Longmont Humane Society is run so smoothly and thoroughly and it's clearly recognized when you go inside. Volunteering there has allowed me to see behind the scenes and I can say that I am definitely impressed! I only want the absolute best for every animal in the world (yes, I did say the world) and for animals that don't have homes, LHS is wonderful. All of the animals get the health care that they need, they get spayed and neutered to prevent more unwanted animals from being born, their diets are strict and intentional, and they get lots of play time and that goes for all of the animals there. I love being a part of the organization (even if it's in the smallest way possible) because it brings me so much joy in my heart and I feel peace for those animal there.

Well, I though I'd share a few photos of the "Small Paws" animals with you on my blog today because even though the animals aren't mine they are very important to me! Enjoy their cuteness:

Be sure to like their Facebook page here and check out their website with all the cute animals on it here.


*Note: I was not paid to write this blog post. I just like animals.*